Pardon me while I use my best grandpa voice.  Back when Ignite started in 2007, social media was a simpler time. Myspace was the top social media site, Facebook was new, and we were fine with it. We didn't have all these newfangled networks to keep up...

For seasonal brands, one of the toughest times of the year is those off-season months when consumers aren't really looking for the products and services they offer. How does a brand stay top of mind  for their fans during these times of the year? Well,...

There are few things more exciting than covering a live sporting event on your brand’s social channels. There also are few things more complicated than covering a live sporting event on your brand’s social channels. Between bringing the necessary equipment, creating a schedule, and knowing...

Creating content sounds simple enough on paper, right? But it’s anything but simple when you’re looking at a content deadline on your calendar and don’t know where to go from there. To keep your sanity, and to keep your clients happy, there’s a process that...

We love when brands think outside of the box and try something a little different in their campaigns on social. You may have read our social media roundup of best in class brand social voices. We’ve put together a few brand examples that made us...

This past Sunday was Father's Day, and if you were on social media over the weekend, you probably saw a lot of #FathersDay content from celebrities and brands. Yes, there were the expected sales on power tools and business attire. However, several brands went beyond...

Creating a strong brand identity on social media has many facets, but one of the most important is the development of the brand voice. Here are a few steps for establishing your brand’s voice for social. 1) KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Think about what your current followers want...

Want to get your fans and followers excited, a great way to do that is to run a sweepstakes for a chance to win a prize sponsored by your brand. It’s a way to show that you appreciate their loyalty and also entice their connections...

Building a social media team is no easy task. This team is usually a subset under the digital or communications department at a company. According to an infographic by Go-Gulf, the majority of social teams are fewer than four people. The size of social teams...

Taking a look at key features of the major social channels, you will see many of them overlap. Successful features on one platform tend to be adopted by others. This is especially true of Facebook. Since they got turned down to buy Snapchat, Facebook and/or...

If you’ve been on any social media platform within the last week, you’ve probably seen many posts surrounding Mother’s Day. For this holiday, many of the industry’s biggest brands have a great reason to participate in marketing to moms, daughters, fathers and more. According to...

Every so often a new social media platform arises and one cold day while I was sitting in the Toronto airport, Mastodon came to my attention. Since my co-workers had flown out earlier than I and I had some time to kill, I decided why...

Ignite Social Media