For those brands who are getting ready to wrap up the fiscal year, it is time to take a final look at what we were able to accomplish. One of the most important measurements is if we hit our goals for the year. If you...

“Working hard doesn't necessarily mean being productive, unless it is accompanied with an effective strategic plan of action.” ― Edmond Mbiaka Here at Ignite Social Media we embrace the core values of #AlwaysLearning, #Collaboration and #ClientSuccess. By expanding your own knowledge in the social media arena and working...

In case you've been wondering why we're drinking Mimosa's at 9am on a Tuesday (or why our COO is dancing on Snapchat), it's because we've recently been awarded Social Agency of the Year by Incite Group's Corporate Social Media Awards. This accolade recognizes our relentless passion for helping...

It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the year. While we know there is much more to come in the next half of 2016, we want to take a moment to salute brands who are doing a killer job so far on social media. Airbnb If...

If there’s one thing we’ve learned being the original social media marketing agency, it’s that nothing in our world stays the same for long. Our industry changes every day. So, when I was asked to share what the future of community management would be like,...

Implementing new features on social media can be an intimidating task to take on. The moment you see that buzzworthy headline about a new feature on social media during your morning coffee, you’re likely asking yourself the following questions. Could this work for my brand?...

“The Social CEO” is a phrase you might have heard by now. As the world of social continues to expand, the phrase continues to catch fire. But as of January 2016, a whopping 61% of all Fortune 500 CEOs had no social media presence whatsoever....

At Ignite Social Media, everyone is an expert in social media marketing. We eat, breathe, and live social media. But what may surprise you is how the various individuals at Ignite utilize social media in their everyday lives. Someone working on the analytics team could...

Why is your brand on social media? Hopefully the answer to that question is “to be social.” With social media being considered by many brands as part of the traditional marketing mix, it may be tempting to constantly push a commerce message, but that approach...

Ignite Social Media