Social media measurement has been a hot topic for many years. A recent study by Nielsen shows that, according to Chief Marketing Officers, there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered. Let’s take a closer look at how CMOs view digital...

For a long time, YouTube was the go-to space for finding, posting, and discovering videos. When monetization rolled around on YouTube, it was certainly the most sought after social channel to make money from video content. However, with the launch of new tools on Facebook...

Snapchat was all the rage back when it was first created, but now other social media apps are jumping into the scene, mimicking some of Snapchat’s fun features and leaving the once-popular app in the dust. Now that Instagram and Facebook are encouraging users to...

Just as we were all getting used to 90-degree days and 100+ heat indexes, it’s all about to come to an end as Back to School gets into full swing.  If you’re lagging on your back to school strategy, here’s your cheat sheet on the three things you...

The Fourth of July brought us a multitude of fireworks, grilling out, and hangovers last week. Along with the influx of poorly-shot iPhone videos featuring local fireworks displays in newsfeeds, brands often got in on the conversation, finding ways to jump in on top-of-mind conversations....

There was a lot of movement this month on social, centered around new ways users can interact and customize their experiences. Read about how some of these updates could affect your brands plans. Brands beware, users might soon hit the (SNOOZE) button on you In an effort...

Oh, Twitter. For being my social channel of choice, they keep making changes that almost no one asked for while ignoring ones their users clamor for. Despite their lack of properly dealing with harassment and abuse or having an edit button, their stock doesn't seem...

The World Cup is in full swing as teams have just concluded group play. It has been an exciting event thus far as there have been a lot of upsets and disappointing exits (ehem Germany). As a former player and avid soccer fan I am...

Facebook recently implemented an authorization process for page admins and advertisers in the U.S. who run political ads. While this process appears to only affect a fraction of ad accounts, many advertisers have seen their non-political ads be tagged as containing political content.  This occurrence has led to confusion surrounding...

There has been lots of talk about video in general, but most recently, a lot of brands are talking about using live video as part of their overall strategy on social. We’re here to help you determine when it’s best to use live video vs....

Another national holiday has come and gone, so naturally, many brands relished the opportunity to take part in the larger conversation. This works for some brands, opening the door to get creative around a topic that relates back to their company. Sometimes though, it’s better...

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