Today I ran across a Brandweek article that covered Johnson and Johnson's latest social media attempt to reach and engage mom bloggers: a three day conference entitled "Camp Baby". Now, I had been following this for quite some time, read interesting articles from Scoble...

Lately I've been keeping my eye out for brands that are making a dive into social media, so I thought that I'd share one brand I came across a few weeks ago: The Kraft brand, Crystal Light. I actually came across this effort in a...

Yesterday an Adweek came across my desk that I actually read, which is amazing because in full disclosure these magazines normally sit on my desk for months and eventually find their way into my trashcan. However this time an article caught my eye that had...

Some of the latest buzz in social media happens to be Yahoo's newest social media venture: Yahoo Buzz, which is currently in closed beta. In case you are unfamiliar: this site has been compared to the social media site Digg as far as functionality,...

I'm the first to admit that I have a track record of bashing Walmart's previous social media efforts on this blog, but I'd like to take a few minutes to give my review on Walmart's latest social media effort, the

This morning I came across an article written in Adweek by Brian Morrisey entitled, "Social Media: ‘Agencies Don't Get It", which makes the claim (based off of latest research by TNS/Symfony) that, "If social network marketing is a puzzle, agencies might not be equipped to...

Today I will attempt to answer my last and perhaps hardest question of the Marketer's Foray into Social Media series, which was "What is the budget?"(for a social media campaign). For this, I will pull in points from Jim's previous post "How much will a...

Today I will attempt to answer the third question in my "Marketer's Foray Into Social Media: How will my social media campaign be measured?", the ever-so-present question of social media measurement....

Ignite Social Media