This business with Cambridge Analytica is kind of a mess which makes distilling what’s really going on a challenge. Below I’ve included answers to some key questions to help you make sense of what’s going on. Was it a Hack or a Leak? Neither. At the time...

With Facebook consistently changing the News Feed algorithm to reduce organic reach, many page owners are, justifiably, concerned about the future of their page’s ability to generate impressions. While most brands will be fine by supplementing the decrease in organic reach with paid support, pages...

There’s no question that Facebook leads social networks when it comes to innovation, especially when it comes to ad-buying offerings on the network. For years, brands have been looking to tie social media marketing efforts to physical, in-store traffic. A feat which has been difficult...

I was told I need to write this blog post by my fellow coworkers who insisted I “just need to get it out of [my] system”. Apparently, this is supposed to quell my need to make puns in meetings, and the hallway, and the kitchen,...

Every autumn, there’s a pumpkin spice arms race that even our pets are not immune from. One of the most-anticipated, or loathed depending on who you ask, is the pumpkin beer. I did a highly unscientific search on Untappd (the social media channel for beer)...

Six years ago, I published the post “Five Not-Too-Distant Technologies that Might Change Social Media.” In the summary I projected that “all of these [technologies] are probably 5-10 years out and, admittedly, I have a large imagination.” Seeing as we’ve surpassed the 5-year mark, I wanted to see how it shook out and how accurate each of my predictions were and, also, add something in that I missed.

More often than not Facebook plays a significant role in a brand’s social strategy. As such, brands rely on the community built around their pages. Back in 2014, everyone from brand marketers to local musicians started freaking out about the decreasing reach posts received following...

Listening to what your customers are saying about your brand and product(s) is an important part of any social media strategy. Tools that provide monitoring services are doorways into a world of product feedback, customer complaints & praise, competitor announcements, industry trends and much, much...