This article originally appeared on, on December 28, 2018 By most accounts, influencer marketing is now a multibillion-dollar industry. It's an impressive feat until you consider that the social networks will rake in $26.95 billion in ad sales in the U.S. only this year, according to eMarketer. If influencer...

You’re looking for help with an influencer marketing campaign, so you’ve decided to outsource the program to a company that does it all the time. This can be a very smart move. Of course, doing your due diligence, you got more than one proposal. They...

It's true what they say: a picture says a thousand words, especially on social media. The photos that we take are just as important as the text that we write when it comes to posting content on our brand's pages. Therefore, it's important to keep...

There are many ways to create content. You don't have to primarily rely on your desktop computer to modify digital content like images and video for the brands that you help. There is a countless amount of smartphone apps that can come in handy for...

The holidays are quickly approaching, which means that before you know it, your timeline will be sprinkled with the spirit of the season! As social media marketing professionals, it is our job to create content that performs well and stands out among all the other...

Less than a year after Ignite Social Media was named Social Media Agency of the Year worldwide, our sister company, Carusele, received top honors at the 2017 Shorty Awards, where they were honored as Small Agency of the Year. The award was given after the influencer-generated...

Now that they have 150 million daily users looking at Instagram Stories, the social platform is going to start selling ads between different people’s stories. That, and much more, in this week’s Social You Should Know. Instagram Ties Snapchat in Daily Users? Offers Ads Instagram is reporting...

Remember when Facebook pages were a thing and we all built tabs? Well, we’re not quite going back to that, but Facebook has improved the experience for companies for the first time in years. All that and more, in this week’s Social You Should Know. Facebook...

Finally, Instagram will allow links and @mentions in their stories, while Twitter makes another move to make the platform friendlier, in this week’s Social You Should Know. Instagram Adds Links, Boomerangs and Tagging to Stories Instagram has become an increasingly vibrant community over the last two years,...

Ignite Social Media