Three Creative Ways to Recycle Social Content

The task of creating engaging, effective social content can feel daunting without unlimited time and resources, but you shouldn’t always have to feel like you’re starting from scratch with each and every post. There are ways for recycling social content that is already at your fingertips with a few simple tweaks. Let’s get into it.

1.Use platform-native tools. Social media platforms, Instagram Stories especially, have creative tools built in that can help you make your social media content different than on other platforms. Try taking an image that you’ve previously posted and use a combination of Instagram Stories GIF stickers, interactive polling and quiz features, and text overlay options to tell an entirely different–and very engaging–story this time around. 

2.New crop, who dis? Simply adjusting the cropping on an existing image is an easy way to breathe new life into it. Instead of having the focus of the image dead center, try centering it on one of the thirds. If you have a wider shot, crop in to focus on a detail for an entirely different feel altogether.

(same image, 4 different looks)

3. Put it all together. One of the most underutilized post types on Facebook is the slideshow, but it’s a great format that you should be using. Compiling static images and delivering them in a video format on a channel that prioritizes video? Yes, please! It’s a wonderful way to showcase previously used assets in a way that feels fresh, too.

Recycling social content just takes a little creativity and resourcefulness. We have a few other ideas for making your assets stretch here and here, but if you’d rather we take care of it all for you, we can do that and so much more!

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