Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to hear Bastian Scherbeck from We Are Social speak about how social media in Europe differs from the US. Being part of an international team of 180 people in eight offices puts Scherbeck in a very unique position, as he...

Are you a brand that values and protects the copyright you hold on your photos? Pin them to Pinterest, the hot social network of the moment, and you've just given them your copyright. Is this a problem for brands and if so, how different is it...

Recently, my family and I went to Orlando to escape the arctic tundra that is the North Carolina winter and go to the happiest place on Earth. While there, I figured I'd see what kind of social media efforts were present within the Disney parks....

So, if you are in anyway familiar with the Internet, you're likely aware of the SOPA and PIPA protests that consumed the net on Wednesday. Don't worry. I'm not about to go on a diatribe about the issue. However, I do intend to share a...

From time to time you find studies that put a handle on the sheer volume and effect that certain social/web applications have had on the marketplace. Understanding adoption rates for new media technologies can really help companies with their strategies for attacking the web. Should...

I recently graduated college and I came into my internship with Ignite thinking I would be able to dive into working at a social media marketing company without any worries, but I was wrong. Having been with Ignite for a month now, I realize it would take a yearlong...

One of the questions we get from serious brand marketers is exactly how does a company develop a social media strategy that drives business results. In December, I had a chance to consult with 7 companies throughout Australia over a fun-filled, but hectic line-up...

Back in 2007, I wrote a post that continues to be one of our most popular to date "How to Write a Social Media Proposal" .  Since then, I've learned a lot.  For one - I've learned that that post was written more for social...

Yesterday an Adweek came across my desk that I actually read, which is amazing because in full disclosure these magazines normally sit on my desk for months and eventually find their way into my trashcan. However this time an article caught my eye that had...

Ignite Social Media