With the holidays looming just around the corner, and us being the internet lurking folk that we are, I'm pretty sure that we all capitalized on good deals and got our Cyber Monday on. But just in case you didn't get a chance to fulfill...

If you follow our blog, then you probably recall one of our most recent campaigns for Nature Made SAM-e Complete®: The Good Mood Gig. We had an overwhelming response, as over 800 folks applied, and the collective votes reached nearly 300,000....

As many of you already know, early this month, we launched the Good Mood Gig Talent Search with our client Nature Made SAM-e Complete ®. We kind of thought that a new laptop, $5,000 per month for 6 months, and the chance to share your...

We're excited to start spreading the word about an opportunity from us here at Ignite, and our client, Nature Made SAM-e Complete ®. It's called the "Good Mood Gig" Talent Search, and we are actively seeking a blogger to post daily about your good...

Get your tablets plugged in and your creative juices flowing, because we're helping to launch a new contest today for our client Intel, to promote the release of the mobile edition of the Core i7 processor....

"Glee," a new comedy series on FOX premiered on Wednesday, and with it came a slew of social media marketing tactics. If you didn't catch the premiere, you're definitely missing out....

Two of the most commonly confused concepts in social media are the idea of "social" versus "interactive." Simply put, interactive means that there is stuff for people to do on your website beyond just reading. There are levels of interactivity, and for today's post, I'm...

It's not breaking news that the citizens of the Internet love some humor. It always excites, yet hardly amazes me when I see something start to spread around and go "hot" all at once. Friends send me videos, photos and blog posts that are hilarious,...

Social media sites, by their very definition, are ephemeral creatures. Their mercurial nature is part of what makes them so intriguing. What is here today can be gone, or even worse, obsolete tomorrow. Just ask Friendster. ...

This post may cause internal upheaval at Ignite Social Media, but we needed some outside input. We just couldn't decide which Ignite guy looked the best in gold spandex. We know it's a difficult choice, but please try and help us out by making your...