Today I'm going to dive into the first question in part of the Marketer's Foray into Social Media : How will a Social Media Agency Work with my Current Agency? First off, we have received this question numerous times, mainly from companies with existing PR and...

Lately we've been working with quite a few CMO's at companies that are considering the leap into social media marketing, many of which are in the process of choosing a social media agency, nailing down scope of work, and all of which are still unsure...

I just read an article from Read Write Web which covered a genius topic entitled, "A List of Objections, Replies and Concessions Regarding Social Media and Tools". The article reminded me of my own post about the 10 Most Common Social Media Myths, simply...

Yesterday, Read/Write broke the news that Google and Facebook had joined the DataPortability Workgroup, which got a bunch of Social Media folk all moist and whatnot. Read/Write called the news a "Bombshell," Scoble took the opportunity to complain about getting kicked off of Facebook for...

Hi Everyone! Since I've been out for the holidays to recharge (and then most recently to assume a role as a maid of honor) I'm really just now getting back in the social media groove of reading, writing, and participating....

In the 2008 Crain's Book of Lists, Ignite contributed to an ad placed by its associated agency, Brogan and Partners. This particular ad included a list of "Social media buzzwords to make you sound really, really smart", which was quite a fun list for us...

A friend of mine showed me this video by Rhett and Link and I couldn't help but to share it with you. For those of you unfamiliar with Facebook, it actually gives a little overview of how it works too…. My favorite part about the...

In the spirit of the season – we've compiled a few things we are thankful for around here at Ignite....

In the social media club meeting some of us exchanged contact information : blogs/Twitter accounts, etc. So here they are – go network!...

I'm sure you've thought at one point or another – "What is it that they do at Ignite?"....