31 Aug 4 Brand Opportunities for Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories is only a few weeks old but brands have already leaped at this new opportunity to engage with their fans. In this blog, we’ll be highlighting some of the opportunities that brands have identified and which brands are successfully achieving results.
Behind-the-Scenes Content
Instagram Stories offers brands even more opportunity to create behind-the-scenes content that really shows off their culture. The content shared gives their communities an inside look at what goes on behind closed doors. Mercedes-Benz has done an excellent job of this, with their first Instagram story showing users what happens behind-the-scenes of a car photo shoot.
Live Event Coverage
Covering live events is another fantastic opportunity for brands to show users a unique glimpse of their organization. Stories are especially great for showcasing ample live event content without overwhelming your users’ newsfeed with too many images. The idea is showing coverage of an event to those who are interested but may not be able to attend. This can also be paired up with the previous opportunity about behind-the-scenes content to create a very engaging opportunity for a brand. Time Inc. utilized Instagram Stories very effectively with its Sports Illustrated brand and the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Sports Illustrated posted large amounts of content of the event, live from several of the Olympic venues in Rio.
How-To Content
More people are looking to the internet for how-to and DIY videos. Instagram Stories offer a great opportunity for brands to publish content that appeals to this crowd. A great example of a brand doing this right is MAC Cosmetics. MAC makeup artists have been using Instagram Stories to take viewers on a step-by-step process into how they can apply various products like lipstick and eye shadow to get the results they’re striving for.

Image Source: Jumper Media
Sales Promotions
Every brand is looking to use social media to promote more sales of their products. It’s marketing after all. J.Crew is one of those brands that took the first steps to using Instagram Stories for sales promotions. Their recent Instagram story promoting a one-day pre-sale of its new “Jane in Pink” sunglasses was a huge success for the brand, partly due to the exclusive feel that utilizing a feature like Stories brings.
There are other opportunities that have yet to be explored, so we recommend setting up time with your team to brainstorm how your brand could best utilize this new feature. Need help in discovering if Instagram Stories is right for you? Give us a ring and let’s see what we can create together.