Whenever I try to describe what influencers are and what they do to anyone outside of the social media industry, I find that people generally have a misconceived notion about what they actually do. Typically one of the first things that I hear is, “I...

Hunting for the perfect content creators for your social media strategy isn’t always an easy feat. When your client’s needs venture far from the realm of family, food, or beauty, it’s time to get especially creative in your search. In the world of content creators,...

You know that content marketing is the way to go for your brand. And you know that thought leadership content (actual thought leadership content) has the best chance of getting traction in this modern world. But your boss just won't sit and crank out a...

We all know that the holiday time can be stressful, people are consuming more information than they typically would during other times of the year. For brands, it can be difficult for their messaging to get through the clutter, but one way to push through...

Tumblr—it’s the often overlooked microblogging platform that made headlines in 2013 after Yahoo! acquired it for approximately $1.1 billion. With 226 million blogs, 460 million monthly visitors, and a highly active and young user base creating engaging content on a daily basis, it’s no wonder...

In late December, I reached one of my proudest milestones as a blogger for Ignite Social Media: I published my 100th blog post. Here are a few tips to help you reach the century mark. 1. Train Your Brain to Find Blog Posts Time for an exercise...

There are good blog posts, there are great blog posts, and there’s the best blog post of all time (this one). Since the title of Best Blog Post Ever is permanently out of your reach (thanks to me), you can always follow these 13 foolproof...

You have a Problem: You write persuasive, consistent, potentially viral content but you are still getting beat by link-buying spammers. You're leveraging SEO best practices and you have a robust social presence but you’re still not driving enough web traffic or enjoying the kind of...

  If your brand is doing flips about Tumblr – we’ve got some pro tips on avoiding a face plant. Post Frequently Many brands on Tumblr have joined, but don’t frequently update. We see this with hair brand Frederic Fekkai’s Tumblr, which has only been updated five times...

With Tumblr’s acquisition by Yahoo, we’ve got one question: Will brands start taking it seriously? With 300 million unique monthly visitors, brands should be flocking to the site. In April, the blogging/social network unveiled a mobile ad unit inside a user’s mobile dashboard. While this is...

If you sell a product or service on the Internet, luring potential customers is essential. It's a challenging task given the sheer amount of stuff people are selling on the web. However, you can do yourself a huge favor by incorporating a blog into your...