Social Media and Ecommerce Trends E-commerce sales have reached about a half-trillion dollars and the cost of acquiring new customers is growing with it. A key trend, from Mary Meeker's annual internet report showed that Americans are spending more time with digital media than ever before.... Facebook's Clear History Tool Facebook's clear history tool is scheduled to roll out later this month. The clear history tool, which is officially called off-Facebook activity, will give people more transparency and control over the data shared with Facebook from other apps and websites. When someone...

In this week's edition of Ignite Your Week, we're talking about micro-channels and how micro-channels might very well be the brand new channel for generation Z. Micro-channels for Gen Z Essentially what's happening is generation Zer's are recreating Facebook groups on Instagram. We are seeing this primarily...

On this week's edition of Ignite Your Week, our focus is on Instagram's new in-app checkout feature. Although it's still in beta testing, what we have heard is that Instagram expects to make about 10 billion dollars on this feature. Great for them, but what...

Our President, Deidre Bounds, shares insights on Facebook updates to key metrics in this week's edition of Ignite Your Week. Facebook Updates Key Metrics [embed][/embed]   Relevancy Score Today we're going to talk about Facebook's new relevancy scores, their new ranking. Relevance score measures whether the ads you ran were...

In April, Recode conducted a survey through Toluna to understand how much people would pay for Facebook without ads, if they had the option.  While results showed 77% would NOT pay for an ad-free version of Facebook, 23% said they would pay not to have...

As a Women-owned business with an African-American president, acknowledging diversity is something we do every day. Since February is Black History month, we thought we’d do a special highlight of a few great African-American influencers. Check them out. Husband and Wife for Life Laquilla and Mark Lane’s...

A quick Google search can reveal various options for how to improve your social media posts.  There are tons of opinions, articles and expert advice on which brands do it best and which don’t. Despite all this information, brands continue to struggle with keeping their...

While Microsoft and Google bet on influencers, the FTC clamps down on influencer marketing; and LinkedIn hedges bets on new audience network… in this week’s edition of Social You Should Know. Influencer restrictions are here to stay. Last week the FTC released updated guidelines for how...