This morning I saw an article that Martha Stewart will be entering social networking through a new site called "Marthapedia". This site, according to Adage will Martha Stewartbe "seeded with existing content from Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, such as Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook, but will open for information and suggestions from the public".

This morning I visited YouTube only to be overwhelmed with Oprah in the featured videos area. To be honest, I was quite surprised that my favorite marketing guru Martha Stewart hasn't attempted this, but in her defense I guess she's been busy with Marthapedia these days…

After a recent overhaul consisting of 41 updates, Google+ might as well be a whole new animal. Brands are reevaluating their presence in this fast-growing social space, while marketers are trying to pin down exactly how to take advantage of the multitude of new capabilities, including...
Ignite Social Media