Looking forward to Marthapedia

This morning I saw an article that Martha Stewart will be entering social networking through a new site called “Marthapedia”. This site, according to Adage will Martha Stewartbe “seeded with existing content from Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, such as Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook, but will open for information and suggestions from the public”.

My heart skipped a beat.

Like her or not, the lady is good at what she does. Behind her cute mom bob and Suzie-homemaker ideas, the lady is all about business. She has built a powerful brand that I buy into every time – willingly, happily, and proudly. I’ve got BluePrint magazine, Martha Stewart Weddings magazine, and I shop at KMart simply because of her product line.

But what I admire the most about her is that she is consistently looking for creative ways to sell and grow her brand.

So it comes as no surprise to me that she would see the influence of social media. In fact in her interview of why she is starting the network she stated,”I especially like being the creator and the creative influence.”

Lead the way, Martha. Can’t wait to see how it turns out. I’m sure businesses will follow in your shadow.