How to Get Verified on Instagram

Get Verified on Instagram

Getting verified on Instagram and across social media is one of the ultimate signs that your channel has ‘made it’. That blue check mark means so much to public figures, influencers and brands. Most of the time, social channels keep their verification criteria close to their chest; however, Instagram recently announced that they are increasing access to verification. 


Requirements for Instagram Verification

Instagram said they are opening the ability for global public figures, celebrities, brands and entities to apply for verification. During the application process, Instagram evaluates several factors. One important factor is that the account must have a large number of followers. While Instagram hasn’t specified how many is ‘large’, we anticipate to mean tens of thousands of followers.

In addition to abiding by their Terms of Service and Community Guidelines Instagram takes the following into account:

  • Profile is complete with bio and photo and your account is public
  • Your account is authentic in that is represents a real person or business (verified by government ID)
  • Is the one account that represents the person or business (language specific accounts are the exception
  • The account is well-known and highly searched for (i.e. featured in multiple news sources)

Getting Verified on Instagram

Having that verification badge can help give your profile a boost. Verified profiles are usually served up first in search results and gives that layer of validity on your profile.

Instagram has made the process of applying seamless, with the added bonus that it’s all done within the app.


  1. Go to the three bars at the top right of your profile
  2. Tap the ‘Settings’ button
  3. Scroll down and tap ‘Request Verification’
  4. Fill in username, full name, known as, category and attach an image of your government issued photo ID
  5. Click ‘Send’ and that’s it!

Instagram will review your submission and confirm or deny your request. Just because you apply for verification doesn’t mean it is guaranteed. If you need help boosting your Instagram presence to take it to the next level, we would be happy to help!

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