10 Oct Breaking Down Viral Marketing
This morning I found an excellent post written by Karl Long over at ExperienceCurve discussing his ideas on co-creative marketing, a concept he feels is similiar to viral marketing but as he put it “more holistic”, as it builds value over time through user contributions.
Truthfully it is hard if not impossible to pinpoint what causes something to “go viral”, or causes something to go one step further as co-creative – but we do learn a lot from breaking down some of the key components of these campaigns. In Karl’s post he does a great job outlining what he believes to be the three components of co-creative marketing: Shareable, Mashable, and Hackable.
He goes into great depth describing each of these in his article so I’ll let you read it for yourselves- but I do think it causes some questions to arise that regardless of whether you are executing a social media campaign currently or not – we all need to consider.
1. Does your website have RSS feeds? Why not?
2. Do you have valuable industry information that you are hoarding? Why aren’t you sharing with customers or prospects?
3. How are customers bringing added value to your product? Are they customizing? Are they using your products in new ways? If so, what are you doing to share this to other customers and prospects?
These are just a few of the many considerations that come to my mind, but the basic consensus is this – are you sharing? Are you making it easier to spread your message?
As always, let me know if you have anything else to add or revise.