This Week’s Posts that Are Igniting 3-28

The following are Ignite’s favorite posts coming out of this week. Enjoy!

Bullet MatchWhat is Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Amen to Lee Odden who reminds social media marketer’s yet again about the importance of social media strategy.

Bullet MatchDofollow Blog Commenting Netiquette vs. a Barbeque Party

SEO 2.0 creates one of the most practical posts we’ve read lately on how to leave blog comments in a natural and effective way. Lisa also loves the “Barbeque Party” analogy (although they call these “Pig Pickin’s” where she is from…) 

Bullet MatchPR Event:  Social Media- The Assassin or Savior of Traditional Media?

This is a great post discussing traditional media’s advantages in dealing with social media as well as some of the obstacles that traditional media faces.  I think Ben Matthews does a wonderful job discussing how many of the fears that traditional media personnel face are in turn positive in the long run.  I especially like Richard Millington’s comment on the post as well.

 Bullet MatchWhy Does Your Search Traffic Suck? The 7 Most Likely Reasons

SEOmoz’s article on 7 of the most basic reasons for bad search traffic.  Brian hasn’t evaluated this article yet, but as someone with less SEO knowledge, I think it gives a good base for what you can evaluate when looking at search traffic analytics.

 Bullet Match What Do You Want From Social Media? does a great job of preaching exactly what we do at Ignite.  What do you want from social media?  It’s the first question that all businesses considering an intense social media campaign should ask themselves.  This post lists some of the things you should consider. 

Ignite Social Media