18 Jul Social Media Marketing Posts that are Igniting- 7/18
Here is some of the best stuff coming out of the social media sphere this week. Enjoy! 🙂
Warning: Do Not Hire Sam’s Club for Search Marketing
This post by Ian Lurie was not written this week, but it’s the great comments (particularly a really ridiculous one posted this week) that pointed me to the post recently. This is a GREAT review that supports so many social media marketing mistakes. (And I’m completely prepared for user “Oh Wow” to comment on this post because I truly believe Lurie’s post is so great).
The Social Platform Race to My Contact List
We all (at least my generation who has been on Facebook a while) have seen the groups or events on Facebook that are labeled “LOST MY PHONE! NEED NUMBERS!!” This is because Facebook is the one place where most people feel the majority of their contacts “live”. We participate in online social networks because it keeps us up to date with our contacts, and Nick brings up some great points about how Facebook is doing this best.
The Hierarchy of Social Marketing
This post by John Jantsch is great. I think lots of business professionals think social media means Facebook, YouTube, etc. right away. But it is imperative that you get your feet wet before moving onto such ideas like spending all day Digging articles you read. I love that Jantsch compares this to Maslow’s Heiarchy. Some people may argue where these categories really fit, but I think for small businesses this is a perfect pyramid. This really also fits most corporate models as well. By the way, I also think that Jantsch makes a great point about why Twitter is at the top- not because Twitter is difficult, but because small business owners (or most business professionals for that matter) have so much to do that Twitter can take up a lot of time.
How to Develop a Social Media Plan for Your Business in 5 Steps
This is much like Jantsch’s post, but it gives professionals 5 simple steps to social media development. My only comments are that in giving employees “rules of engagement” don’t give people manuals or restrict what they can say to the point that you are only pushing the company and not really stimulating real communication. Also, defining your strategy is really important. Social Media is very time consuming, and if you don’t define exactly what your strategy is and what you want to accomplish, it will be difficult to see results. I’m also very happy that Aaron Uhrmacher tailored “Step 5: Measuring Success” as measurement that involves asking what you’ve learned. More often than not social media is about building your brand and having two way conversation. Those people obsessed with immediate ROI fulfillment need not apply.