Social Media Marketing Posts that are Igniting- 7/11

So I guess I’ve been somewhat of a slacker the past month because I have compiled all of these great articles but haven’t shared them with anybody! Here are some of the best social media blog posts from the past few weeks. Enjoy 🙂

matchbullet.gifSocial Media Demands A Reinvented Agency

This is a great article by Joe Marchese that outlines exactly how the idea of a social media agency is evolving and why it could be increasingly important for these agencies to exist unless traditional outlets change their ways of thinking.

matchbullet.gifRSSmeme and Bloggers’ (Copy)rights

Nobody likes sploggers, and therefore this article is sure to start a conversation. It discusses the idea of “intellectual property” and how it works inside the blogosphere. Before you stick up for those people who just want to protect their blog, consider this article. My addition to this post: AGGREGATORS ARE GOOD FOR YOU!! Sites like RSSmeme and others that are being attacked are making your content more accessible to readers. Even if all of your content appears on their site, more people will be able to read it, your name appears there, most have ways that you get scored (and therefore your popularity in the site will be good for you) and then if people read it often enough, they could subscribe to your RSS, your name in google results will appear more often, etc. etc. etc.

matchbullet.gifSmart People, Stupid Tweets. Fake News Spreads Fast on Twitter

This article on tracked the spread of a rumor (about the Subway Jared guy passing away) on Twitter. I found this article really interesting because I also heard about Tim Russert passing away on Twitter before I heard about it on the news.

matchbullet.gifIs this the Complete Guide to SEO Optimization for WordPress?

I had to give credit to this short review of Joost De Valk’s guide on how to optimize a WordPress blog. Joost’s article is pretty good and if you don’t know much about SEO and have a blog on WordPress than you should really check out his guide.

matchbullet.gifAnother Example of Blogger’s Commercial Impact

This post outlines a Dunkin Donuts ad and how it was pulled in response to negative blogging efforts. I think this post does a great job of saying that the reason for pulling the ad may be crazy, but “the point is, the power of consumers over brands is irrefutable, and smart companies like Dunkin’ monitor social media and take action!” Great post.

matchbullet.gifMen More Likely to be on LinkedIn, Flickr

This article outlines a Rapleaf Study on social network users. It kinda says what we all already know, but as marketers, this stuff is vital to reaching our clients’ needs perfectly.

matchbullet.gifWays to Follow Your Friends on the Web

This Wall Street Journal article refers to a social networking issue that I’ve referred to before: content aggregation of your social networks. I think this article does a great job of explaining the pros, but also some of the cons to these services. After reading more and more about this, I wonder if people want to use content aggregation for their social profiles, or if they like that each social network they are involved in serves its own purpose?

matchbullet.gif7 Reasons Why You’ll Click on Everything I Post

I love this article! We all know, either consciously or subconsciously, that people’s avatars are important. They are how we feel we know them, even if only in our online worlds. I love this list of suggestions/rules for your avatar.