Social Media Posts That Are Igniting- 9/19

These are our top picks for the week in the social media marketing landscape.  Enjoy 🙂

Bullet for Friday Re-Launches Search Engine for Kids

Bill Hartzer gives a great review of the new Ask.Kids search engine.  It would be interesting to see how else they could monetize the results.  Kids could easily be marketed to, but not in this way.

Bullet for Friday SocialPosts50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level

This is a great look at how to increase your blogs content, design, and readership.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsTop 5 Reasons Why Blogging Rocked Our World

Interesting account of how blogging has changed the world we live in today.  This post could probably alternatively be named Top 5 Reasons Why Blogging Can Benefit Your Brand.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsSocial Media: You Are Wearing Me Out

How many social media sites are you on?  Do you check them constantly or do you focus on only a few.  It seems some people are being worn out by too much social media.  The suggestion in this post is to focus your interests.  Marie Adam’s comment that follows the post also targets how social media marketers can benefit from quality vs. quantity as well.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsAd Agencies Team Up on Social-Media Standards

“SMAC’s aim is to create a set of standards for social-media advertising, sometimes called “engagement advertising,” that mirrors the standards set for print, television, and display ads.” Only time will tell how effective this is, considering that most advertising channels on the web are reluctant to standardization.

Bullet for Friday SocialPostsStumbleUpon undergoes some changes

StumbleUpon has undergone some changes as of late. Along with a new redesign of sorts you can now have more than 200 friends.