08 May Social Media Images – Keep Your Eyes on the Size
Social Media is challenging to figure out. Coming up with ideas for content that works on all your channels is a tough task, so when you finally have an image that you are proud to post, it would seem that the next step would be to go ahead and post it. However, one of the key things that you should keep in mind is properly sizing your images for social media. If you want your content to perform effectively, you must keep your eyes on the size!
Recently, Facebook has begun to allow advertisers to create image link ads on Facebook with a 1:1 aspect ratio (square). This recommendation is based on testing that showed a higher amount of people clicking through, and a higher conversion rate for 1:1 photos than the previous landscape ratio. It’s not difficult to see the benefits of square photos over landscape, as square photos fill up more space on timelines, helping to grab attention. Instagram also uses the square ratio, but Instagram even has an ideal width of 1080 pixels. Any smaller, and your image may end up pixelated when Instagram enlarges it.
While 1:1 are the ideal look for Facebook and Instagram, Twitter still recommends a 16:9 ratio, as does LinkedIn. However, with the findings in support of square imaging, it may only be a matter of time until all social channels adopt the same ideas to help advertisers be uniform across all their channels.
Properly sizing your creative is just one of the ways to make your content more effective. For more content tips, we have other post you can reference or reach out to us for any of your social media questions!