If you haven’t heard of Pinterest yet, you should take a minute and kick around on their site. Give Pinterest a review. Inevitably, a minute will turn into half an hour as you click from one thing to the eye-catching next. And really, that’s the whole...

The inspiration for this blog post came about a year ago when I spied a tweet lamenting the fact that "Best of…" blog lists often neglect to include women bloggers. Perhaps some writers don’t read the plethora of smart and savvy women bloggers out there,...

You may have heard Airbnb mentioned recently in our “Topics That Are Igniting,” mainly because they just received a sizable investment from Ashton Kutcher. Airbnb is a marketplace that brokers rentals of people’s spare rooms, entire apartments, or vacation spots. It’s a very cool service,...

One of the most important distinctions about content created for social media is that it can be customized to suit particular platforms. Sure, you can throw your TV commercial up on YouTube, but you’d be completely overlooking all of the ways you can encourage users...

This is a companion post to the one that Lisa wrote about 5 Examples of Effective Advertising at SXSW, because just like a comic book storyline, there is a good and bad side to everything. For every company that got it right, we saw plenty...

The panel on getting more women into tech and new media began with an acknowledgment that there are, in fact, a lot of women who already work in the industry - the problem is, we just aren't that visible. The conversation was hosted by Rachel Sklar,...

This is a question that comes up a lot, mainly because more agencies are incorporating a formal wireframing process, and more are choosing to show them to clients. Anyone who has ever built or designed a website will tell you, wireframing always happens in some...

You may have been hearing a lot about this whole UX, or user experience thing recently. People get geek-tastic about it with a vengeance, but really, there's no reason to be intimidated. ...

One of the coolest things about working with Facebook is that the platform is constantly evolving, which means that what we create for Facebook can evolve, too. As an agency, we're always visualizing new ways of presenting content for brands that is engaging, interactive, and...

Anyone who works in the marketing sector knows how difficult it is to target teens. As a matter of fact, anyone whose ever tried talking to a teen knows how difficult it can be to get their attention. Teens are some of the most savvy...