Ignite Launches the Triangle Social Media Club

For those of you who happen to read this blog, (and who also live in areas around andSocial Media Club encompassing the Triangle)- we’d like to announce that we are starting a Triangle chapter of the Social Media Club.

Our first meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 14th at 5:30 in our Ignite Offices. It will be a roundtable discussion on “Corporate Blogging Best Practices”, covering topics such as who should blog, how to interact in the blogosphere, the benefits of blogging, best practices, etc.

We hope you will come out, as our vision of the club is to strengthen our relationships, have some fun, and learn more about the applications of social media through each other’s insights and vision.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by leaving a comment to this post with your name and email address. This will give us an idea of how many drinks and snacks are necessary and will ensure you get a friendly reminder closer to the event.

To read more about the event, please visit our club wiki, or read the full press release here.